Monday, July 2, 2012

It Should be Socially Acceptable to Nap in a Museum...

One of my favorite quotes found in the Newseum!
No work today which was wonderful! I went to the Newseum, and it has been confirmed that I am just not a museum kind of girl. Take note of this boys: museums are just not a good idea as a first date. My teacher estimated that it would take about three hours for us to get through the whole thing. It took me an hour and 45 minutes. Not that it wasn't interesting because it definitely was! There was a radio antenna from the top of one of the World Trade Center towers. There was also part of the Berlin Wall on display. They also had all of the photographs of Pultizer prize winners on display which I LOVED because I am a photography minor.  One of my dreams would be to someday win that prize. I know it's a pretty big goal, but hey maybe after these next two semesters of classes I will hopefully be kind of professional...maybe.


I do have a problem. I am starting to worry that this house is haunted. I swear there was a huge puddle under the refrigerator yesterday, and I was worried that I would have to call someone to come fix it because there was obviously a leak. But this morning when I went down to breakfast it was completely gone as if it had never been there. Weird. Then this elderly lady called me and said that my number had showed up on her Caller ID last night but I have no idea who she is and I also definitely didn't call her. She called again 20 minutes later to tell me that it showed up again. Once again I didn't call her. Something crazy is going on or I am losing my mind.
Part of the Berlin Wall!
The highlight of the day had to be feeding a squirrel a lollipop. Yes, this is obviously random but my friend Garrett from back home told me I had to do it because when he came to DC in kindergarten he fed one to a squirrel. I know I am 20 years old and not 5 like he was so I'm sure I looked ridiculous. It worked though. The squirrel looked very satisfied, and he should be too because it was a super blow pop which should last him quite a while. I just hope he doesn't choke on the gum and die.

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