Saturday, July 14, 2012

Soul Music and Road Trips...Life is Good

Ocean City...the city of the ocean..lo and behold the Atlantic to be exact
Beach, beach, beach, I absolutely love the beach!! This just reinforces why I am destined to live in California. We attempted to get up and leave by 7:30 this morning. It was more like 8:30 but in our defense we had some errands to run first. The drive there was not as bad as I anticipated. The bridge crossing to the island part of Maryland only took about 45 minutes to get across which I know sounds terrible but I had been warned it could take almost 5 hours.
I have to say it was a pretty cool looking bridge, and the view was fantastic so I really would not have minded being stranded on it for a while. My car would not have liked it though. We got to the beach around noon. On a side note, there are a few things I learned today. Harriet Tubman was born in Maryland and Oreos have been around for 100 years. Hooray for random knowledge! Anyways, the beach was so nice. For some reason the beaches on the East coast all seem to smell kind of funny but it was significantly better than the beach in Jersey.
When we arrived, the lifeguards had just closed the beach because they had seen lightening but we didn't have to wait long. The sun even came out about an hour later, and I got sun burnt because I had expected it to be cloudy and rainy all day. I also hate sunscreen...oh well. The weather here is so bipolar. We also swam in the ocean twice, and I got way to much salt water in my mouth but it was such a great day. The actual road trip was fun too because we did not get lost once (go me) and we jammed out to all types of soulful music, singing it at the top of our lungs. Overall, it was one of the best weekends I have spent here this summer! Next weekend should be awesome too because my best friend from grade school is coming to visit. We will most likely be going back to the beach so stay posted for more beach pictures!

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