Monday, July 16, 2012

She Flies With Her Own Wings.

Happy Monday everyone! I do not understand why this day seems to wear me out the most because I never have work on Mondays. I went to a Networking event today for my program. This was nerve wrecking at first because I am the Queen of Awkwardness. Like really, I just stood in the same spot for like ten minutes but then after I talked to the first professional there, it got much easier. I got at least five business cards and a bunch of potential connections to event planners which was really exciting. People pass out business cards like candy here. I haven't handed out one yet. Fail on my part. People even have personal business cards that they give out at social venues like bars when they meet people. This might be old fashioned but I refuse to call/ text/ friend you on Facebook if you give me your business card. Court me like a gentleman please and don't treat me like a business transaction. Okay thanks.
One of the ladies I met at the event tonight was telling me that there is this organization in DC that hosts speed networking events. So it is like speed dating except with professionals...I guess it could be fine OR it would be extremely weird haha. After the networking, I met up with my group from class to finish our presentation on the Peace Corps which we have to give on Wednesday. One of the group members was talking about this horrifying experience she had back home. For privacy purposes, I am not going to offer details but lets just say I was so tempted to just give her a huge hug, and I hardly know this girl. I also was very close to crying. Basically, I just am so thankful that I have not been through anything like that.
Well it wouldn't be a typical blog post from me if I didn't mention food haha. Today is a very important day because I tried sushi for the first time! And I am addicted!!!! It was so good:)
Shrimp Sushi...the only thing that would make this more legit is if I could actually use chopsticks.

Anyway, I only have three days of work this week and then one of my best friends from back home will be here to visit me:) We have a very busy agenda ahead of us so I know I will wear her out by the time she heads home. All I can say is that the next three days better go by fast or else!

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