Friday, June 29, 2012

Hey Abe..Wanna be the Mascot of my School?

2013 Congressional Baseball Game
Last night I went to the Congressional Baseball Game. It was honestly the most interesting baseball game I have ever been to. It sort of reminded me of going to a game with a bunch of fraternity boys from a really big southern school because most people came from work so the guys were wearing button downs and khaki pants...really fratty. Some were even in suits and I felt terrible for them because it was so hot. I myself was unfortunate enough to be wearing pants so you can only imagine how ready I was to jump in the shower when we left. We even made it on the crowd cam or whatever it is called! We had actually been watching it and making fun of everyone's expressions and then it was suddenly pointing at us and one of my co-workers screamed haha. I'm sure we were the ones being made fun of then. I even got to meet Ron Paul which was very exciting!
Ron adorable
The best part of the game were the mascots, hands down. Oh my god. I'm including a picture but the quality is pretty bad because they were so far away. Just imagine plush Abe Lincoln, George Washington, and Thomas Jefferson with huge heads and that's what they looked like.
I kinda wanna switch school mascots now. How do the Truman State Abe Lincolns sound to you guys?
Last night was great too because I ran into so many people I knew. It really is a small world and even in big cities you surprisingly run into many more familiar faces than you would think. I am excited to get off work tonight because my cousin and I are going to see the movie Brave! It works out perfectly because she loves Scotland and I love gingers so we should both be really satisfied haha. Tomorrow I am hopefully going to the DC United soccer game! So many sports in so little time!
On a more serious note, I wasn't homesick at all until yesterday. There have been three people now in the past week who have passed away back home. I didn't personally know any of them really well but it just makes me want to be near my family. I am experiencing new and exciting things everyday but this makes me take a step back and realize that I shouldn't take anything or anyone for granted. I am so incredibly blessed to be surrounded by such amazing friends and family.

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