Sunday, June 24, 2012

A lot of Tan Going On...Not Much Gym and Laundry..Welcome to the Jersey Shore

Welcome to Atlantic City,'s kinda like Vegas but with a beach
I am not even sure where to start with this blog post. I am loving summer hours at work because by 4:00 on Friday afternoon I am so ready to call it a day. What I do not love about summer hours is that everyone else has summer hours too so it takes me almost two hours to get home. My car also was letting me know Friday that she didn't like it either. I have had my car for about five years now. She is a blue Kia Spectra that I cleverly named Kia...genius right?...and she of course has a personality of her own...and a gender..clearly. Well sometimes Kia doesn't like to kick into gear when I'm driving on the highway which can be terrifying because I'll be trying to speed up and the engine will sound like it wants to blow up. All you have to do, though, is shut the car off and turn it back on and it's fixed! I have taken her to the mechanic many times to have this checked out but they never find anything so that's the only solution I've found. Well Kia chose Friday evening on my way home to do that exact thing. So what did I do? I just shut my car the middle of traffic...on the four lane interstate heading out of DC. No big deal.
On Saturday, I woke up at 5:45 a.m. (yuck) to get myself up and head to New Jersey! It is always such a stressful commute in the morning because you never know if the metro is going to want to cooperate or not. Well I made it to the bus just fine (charter bus by the way) and we were off! I met a group of girls on the way which was great and a group of Canadians as well. What's funny is this is not the first time I have met a whole group of Canadians this summer. We arrived in Atlantic City four hours later..due to our bus driver needing to stop the bus THREE times to use the bathroom located at the back of the bus AND he took this crazy route through small rural towns which didn't make sense to me either. AC was nice but I don't understand the appeal to gamble. I also am not old enough which could be part of it too. I just don't see the point in punching buttons and hoping you somehow win money. There were also quite a few strip clubs which only added class of course.

I wore animal print to the Jersey shore in case I saw Snooki:)
It was nice to see the beach but it smelled soooo bad. I barely got my feet in because I heard the water was disgusting which was disappointing. I also didn't see anyone from Jersey Shore so that was another disappointment..well kinda haha. I was so worn off by the time we left so I slept some on the bus which is always a challenge. It was even hard trying to stay awake on the metros and my bed never looked better once I finally got home. It was a successful day especially because of all the people I was able to meet and I can check another visited state off of my list!

I don't know where that last train is headed but sounds like a party...

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